
Posts Tagged ‘team’

This blog is a response to Mr. Graham’s blog on ‘Problem Solving, Creativity, Brains, & Co-coaching’:


The four stages mentioned in the blog is a systematic approach converting intuition into a rational thought and it is true in all the cases. But people will not realise this as they are overwhelmed with the solution.

The incubation stage is very important in those areas where the usage of creativity is essential, like ad agencies. The work culture in some MNCs underlines this fact, where creative flow happens only when the work environment supports the incubation stage.

What I felt about co-coaching is nothing but ‘Synergy’. But it will be utilized to the maximum only when the persons coming together for co-coaching are complementory in nature. There should be some understanding between the co-coaching people. That does not mean they should be like-minded personalities. Like-minded persons will give a small portion of the overall result. But persons who are complementory in nature helps in team winning- where one person lacks, the other one strengthens and vice versa.

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