
Posts Tagged ‘cognitive’

Big ideas which do not seem logical are the basis for innovation. These ideas will come all of a sudden on a leisure time. But once striken by such an idea, it will poke you almost all the time. This will eventually creates some connection with the existing information you already had in your brain and tries to make the illogical, a logical one. And this is how intuition develops into something rational which leads to innovation.

Innovation needs intuition and intuition needs information for its basic existence. To be precise, there will not be any intuition unless the person has some prior related information in the field. It is this information that really helps to make the intuition to be connected rationally. That means ‘past’ is the foundation for intuition.

If something comes to your mind which is not existing or which has no relationship with existing things, then you cannot call it as intuition completely. It is a dream. Intuition is a subset of dream. Intuition is a dream which you may think that there may be some relationship with your existing information; but cannot really make it.

Develop the intuitive behaviour in you. Think on it. Live on it. Make a cognitive relationship with the information you have. It will lead to innovation.

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